Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rainbow Magic Land

 This weekend I was originally supposed to go to the Amalfi coast, but unfortunately because I also have school work to do that plan fell through. So instead I went with a couple of friends and some of the JCU community to... RAINBOW MAGIC LAND! Now this place was considered a theme park, which I did enjoy some of the rides, but it was nowhere near that of Cedar Point. Maybe being so close to Cedar Point I'm spoiled with the fantastic rides.

Names for one of the rides
 I am pretty sure this was supposed to be a little kid's theme park based on the names of the rides and creatures wandering around it, but it was still fun to hang out with a lot of people my age and from my school. One guy even spent over 30 euro on those pin machines to try to win a prize, he didn't win though unfortunately. I wanted him to win just to help his pride, but it was hysterical to watch these guys get frustrated over not winning!
Part of the "Parade" (it was only 3 cars long) and I'm not sure what these are supposed to be either

More of the parade, I think these are coral?
One of the rides that was similar to Men in Black ride at Universal Studios
The JCU crew

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