Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ich liebe München, Deutschland!

I arrived in Munich, Germany on Thursday early in the morning where my friend Kathrin picked me up in the city center Marien Platz. Kathrin got out of work around 2 pm and we headed to get some coffee and cake which is a traditional thing to do whilst hanging out with friends in Europe. I of course got some traditional German cake called "Schwarz Wald" or Black Forrest. After a long day of traveling we walked around and caught up. Then we went to the grocery store and bought some traditional German meat and Bretzels for dinner.
The next morning while Kathrin was at work I decided to hop on a tour of Dachau. I felt that this was something that was a must see while in Germany. Of course it was a very sad place but a place that I believe everybody needs to visit at least once in order to not repeat the horrid history that happened here. The picture on the right shows the symbolic gate that is the entrance to Dachau. Dachau was also the first concentration camp and was open for 12 years. "Arbeit macht frei", literally translates into "work makes free" which is what this place was. This place was a free labor force and people were thrown in here for all sorts of things, only later did it house Jews. Mostly this was for political prisoners or people who spoke out against Hitler.
This is a memorial of only some of the arm bands that the people were required to wear around the camp at all times. These were their identifiers, some people even had to be kept alive based on their patch. This place was very moving and there were only certain parts that I really felt the sadness overcome me and that I could really tell this place was real.
A tribute to all of the people in the camp
"Never Again" written in 5 languages 

 After my long day at Dachau I enjoyed a much needed Döner Kebab. I had heard so much about these and I was finally able to taste one for myself, and let me tell you it was worth the wait! They were delicious, I also got to practice my German a little while ordering.
 There is a castle by Kathrin's house called Schloss Nymphenburg, so we decided to take a stroll around it and chat. It was a bright and sunny day outside and there were bunches of swans as well.
One of the few German flags I saw flying. 

Just posing in front of the castle

 This castle used to be far outside of Munich in the country and there was a large forest that surrounded it. There also used to be a large gate to keep out the wild boar that lived in the woods. Now since Munich has expanded there are neighborhoods all around the castle.
The countryside was so pretty
 On Saturday morning while Kathrin worked again I hopped on another tour, this time to Schloss Neuschwanstein home of Ludwig der Zweite, die Märchen König (Fairy Tale King). The train ride there was beautiful because technically this castle is not in Munich but outside about 2 hours. The train ride took us right through the alps where the castle is situated.

I was hungry so I got a traditional German Wiener

Another picturesque view

 Here it is, the castle that Walt Disney designed the Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty castle's from. Even though it had only 1/3 of the rooms finished it was a masterpiece on the inside. There was not expense spared and it is what I truly envision a fairy tale castle to be.

The next morning Kathirn took me sightseeing around Munich. We first climbed up the St. Peters Kirche (church) to get the spectacular view of Marien Platz and the Frauen Kirche and the rest of Munich from the top.

The New city Hall (NeusRathaus)

Kathrin and I at the top

The weekend was fantastic because I was able to see my long time friend after so long as well as getting to speak, or at least understand the German people around me!

Me in Marien Platz

After walking around Munich for the whole day and seeing all of the necessary things Kathrin and I enjoyed a nice stroll through the Englischer Gartens where there was some surfing taking place on the Eis Bach (Ice River).
After this we went to a traditional HaufBrauHaus so that I was able to experience that part of German life as well which was delicious. This is basically a traditional German meal with a lot of meat cooked to perfection.

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