Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ljubljana... enough said

After scampering around the hostel gathering our gear to trek to the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana; some of the nice people at the rental shop offered to take us to the train station to catch the train to the capital. They said it was on their way because they lived near it, they were the friendliest people and were so willing to help. There was a father and his daughter (who was our age!), before the train she explained that we needed to calm down so bought us some hot chocolate from an authentic Slovenian cafe! She insisted on buying our hot chocolate, and her father bought us 'Slovenian cookies', which really were "Taste of America" cookies. Pretty much they were chips ahoy and Oreo's. It was so cute and thoughtful! 
At least in Slovenia, Graffiti was a pretty big thing in a lot of their train stations and other random places around the towns. It was not any graffiti like in the states, they were beautiful murals of art instead. 

Authentic Slovenian Hot Coco

"Authentic" Slovenian cookies
Train Station Graffiti 
After saying goodbye to the nice friends that we met, and getting off of the train around 8:30 pm, we had arrived in Ljubljana. We decided that since we would not be able to visit our friend until the morning we would explore a bit of the night life that the capital had to offer. The sights were spectacular, and the pub that we went to was too great. The pub we went to was called "Skeleton Bar", known for the fake skeletons that align the floors and walls. It was pretty entertaining, and we got to meet some locals along with some of the other people staying in our hostel. We also were advised to check out another club called "Cirkus", which once we got there seemed almost like we were transported back to the early 1980's with music such as "Girl's just wanna have fun", "YMCA", "Stayin' Alive" and the like playing; complete with 80's style dress and dancing. At first we thought it was theme night, but to our surprise this kind of music had never been heard before in Slovenia which was a new thought to us for sure!

Skeleton Bar

Our hostel

Our hostel

Our hostel

Our hostel

Our hostel

More murals

Locks of Love bridge

Nutella Crepe!

Yay for crepes!

Making of the crepes

The following day we went and picked up our friend from the hospital and toured around the capital before we had to leave it. There were so many hidden gems that we got to explore along with our delicious crepes we got by the river. I think that after all of what happened it was meant to be for us to end up in Ljubljana because it was a beautiful little city that will forever hold a fond memory in my heart.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Skiing above the clouds

Gondola at Vogel Ski Center
 On January 26th we finally got to do what we came to Slovenia to do. GO SKIING!!!! I was beyond excited, this was something I had wanted to to for too long. We went to Vogel Ski Center in the Julian Alps, and to get us to the top of the mountain one giant gondola car was our transport. About 30 plus people and all of their gear were tightly packed onto the gondola (good thing we rented our equipment!). Once the gondola began moving we were quickly taken up through the gray cloud line and up to the top of the mountain where the sun shone bright and made for the perfect day!
Fresh off of the Gondola and about the clouds
View of the Alps from the top

View of the main ski run

On the Chair lift after getting my equipment
Another view of the mountain
Pure Beauty

Looking down the main run

Me and the mountain scenery

So excited!

View off the top most run!

Representing MSU!

Picture Perfect!
This would not be as exciting/insane as it was without what happened towards the end of the day. On one of the black diamonds that I and another girl decided to go on, my fellow travel partner and skier lost control of her skis and zoomed past me. After I went after looking for her I could not find her. I had this gut feeling something happened after seeing how out of control she was, but it only became a reality when on the ride up the chairlift on my last run of the day a helicopter came to the hill and picked up an injured skier. Only did the rest of us find out it was our friend who got the fancy helicopter ride, when we went to return our equipment. The ski patrol was in there waiting for us, we then found out she flew off the edge of the cliff and landed a good 50 meters from her take off point we went into action mode. She had been flown to the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana. The ski patrol man said she was conscious when they flew her out and that she would be fine. At this news we were definitely relieved, but the urgency at this point was to get to the capital some hour and a half away.

So we returned all of our equipment, and headed down the gondola and barely made the bus back to our hostel. By the time we got back, the management team at the hostel already knew the situation. We checked out of that hostel and booked another one in the capital. Thus far we had heard great things about the care of patients in the hospitals in Ljubljana, and that the country we were in was among the safest countries in all of Europe. The even more comforting part was the hospitality of all of the people. Every one was incredibly helpful and super genuine in their quest to help us.

I feel sLOVEnia

 This past weekend was the first weekend I have traveled while abroad in Europe, and being a regular skier I of course wanted to ski in the Alps. While I could have gone to Switzerland like most people do, I decided instead to go to Slovenia! Me and 4 of my friends went skiing in the Julian Alps and it sure was an interesting time full of fun, adventure, and the ever intriguing thought of being in a different country.

On the Train
On the train
We first embarked from the train station Roma Termini to Gorizia Centrale, the border town of Italy and Slovenia. Once at Gorizia Centrale and hopping on a bus to the border it was crazy that we were able to literally walk across the border. There was no border patrol or anything of the kind, which for us as Americans was definitely a strange thought.

Me, in two countries at the same time!! Border of Slovenia and Italy!

We are now in Slovenia! 
View of the Alps on the way to Bohinj
 After waiting for just a little bit and getting some what adjusted to the Slovak language we were going to hear for the next several days, we hopped aboard another train that took us to Bohinj, Slovenia. This small little town was where we decided to ski. It was a crazy thought to have such a large attraction as a Alpine Ski hill with such a small town being the entry to it. Nonetheless we found our way.

Once in Bohinj we had to make our way to the Hostel Pod Volgom (another adventure on a bus). This time I was able to put my German language skills to good use since the driver spoke no English, only German. He was so surprised and thankful that an American knew German that he had to shake my hand and make sure I had a wonderful trip. I thanked him for being so helpful by saying, "Danke schön, mein Freund!
View from outside our hostel
Giant Brownie pastry that I ate while waiting for the bus to the hostel
Our hostel

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Exploring Rome

Whether it is a rainy day or a sunny one, there is always something to do in Rome. This weekend allowed me the perfect opportunity to explore this wonderful city that I'll be a part of for at least a little bit.   

The Colosseum looks completely different at night, but spectacular all the time. I still have not gone inside,  but that will be for another day soon.

After a long day of exploring and walking over 5 miles, some friends and I stopped at a place with what we considered the best deal on the street. First off, since I live right next to the Pantheon all of the food is a tad pricier over here. But we were still able to find, after some looking around, a restaurant that was priced pretty well with great food. This atmosphere is what the restaurant Olive Garden was going for.

And here is the famous gelato picture! This place is by the Pantheon and has 150 flavors of gelato, and what we were eating were the smallest sizes that they had. For my cone I chose the Kiwi and Biscoto flavors. 

Random shop by the Pantheon
More Gelato! Nutella flavor this time!

We also stopped by the Trevi Fountain, and of course I just HAD to throw in a coin and make a wish. The fountain is only about a 5 minute walk from where I live and the pictures do not do it justice. It is a fantastic piece of Roman architecture, and another reason as to why I am amazed by this city!

Of course after a long weekend filled with fun activities it is nice to cook a dinner with your roommates and relax!

Dinner time in the apartment with my roommates!