Thursday, February 21, 2013

Czech out Prague!

 I started off the weekend in a very interesting way, taking a 16 hour bus ride to Prague in the Czech Republic! Now the bus ride was uncomfortable and probably something that I will not do to that magnitude again. Attempting to sleep straight up against a freezing cold window and squished between the seats is not ideal of course but it can be nearly unbearable if I did not have the proper pillows or blankets with me. Still after that long haul up to Prague from my home port of Rome we arrived at 10 am on Friday morning. The hostel we stayed in known as the Czech Inn as it is called in the above picture was a pretty decent hostel. They had a free breakfast! The beds were also super comfy after that long bus ride.  The pictures below are just the pretty streets and the crazy Czech signs.

A pretty church on the way to old town Prague

The Parliament Building

 What I did most of Friday was tour the city, and Bus2alps was kind enough to provide a guide to show us around the city. Prague and the Czech people have been plagued with war for the past century and our guide had an interesting example. He said his grandma lived from around 1909 to the early 2000's, and within her lifetime she never left Prague, but within that time she lived in 8 different countries! 8 countries! That is at least how many times the city and the people have changed hands over the past century, it is quite a hard concept to grasp.
 The next couple of pictures are just some of the stuff we saw on our walking tour. The buildings were so colorful and what I liked most about them was that not one looked modern at all.

The picture to the left is of an old Gothic church, which was built behind the house infront of it. I find it absolutely amazing that they chose to build it in this fashion and conceal the beauty that is this church.
Old town square - my hair looks like a lion

Old town square

Another church from across the square from the other

This is the clock tower in Old Town square which was made with gold. It seems like everything of extreme significance in Prague had gold on it somewhere. 

The Clock tower with the church in the background

 This is the top circle of the clock and it tells the real time and date based on the stars. The figures on each side also move at specified times during the day. It was so beautiful to see.
 This picture is of the bottom circle of the clock which tells the name days for each day of the 365 days in the year along with the astrological signs. People also for a time had to name their kids after one of the names on this calendar otherwise their child might be taken until the name was changed.
Pretty buildings

Another view of the streets

Opera house
Many famous composers played here and a lot of them like Mozart have life like statues on top of the roof!
Another view of the streets

 This is the menu was from the place we ate for dinner and it gives an idea of some of the items on the menu. This place was just down the street from the Opera House and the last item on the menu I split with my roommate. This ended up being 360 Czech Crown (Czech Republic is not on the euro!). 100 Czech crown is 3.93 euro which is $5.17 in dollars. So this meal split between the two of us was 180 Czech Crown or $9.30!!! This is crazy because nowhere in the US would I be able to get roast duck for that cheap!

Our meal! Yummy!

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